It’s a symbol, almost as old as time - seeing someone down on one knee, signifying that the person standing is being proposed marriage to.
Quite an odd act, when you think about it. But have you ever taken a moment to wonder why people traditionally ‘take a knee’ when proposing? I certainly have. So, I’ve taken care of that research for you.
One theory is that the bended-knee takes us back to mediaeval times, when knights would drop a knee before noblemen and women out of respect for royalty. This was a sign of devotion and obedience.
While historians are not completely convinced that the bent knee found its origins with knights, another theory, still in mediaeval times, is that it’s trenched in religion.
The Engagement Ring Bible says, taking a knee was ‘a common occurrence in religious ceremonies, and in those days marriage and religion were intrinsically linked. So when a courteous gentleman was proposing to his lady, pledging his allegiance to her and declaring his undying love for her, getting down on one knee was the natural thing to do.’
Jewellery expert Bixlers agrees with this idea saying, ‘Kneeling when praying is very common among many religions, which is considered to be a position of submission to a deity. It might very much be the case that the tradition of getting on one knee comes from religion.’
The act of surrendering is another interesting option. ‘Bending the knee in front of someone is the universal gesture of defeat and surrender. One could argue that in the same way that you might surrender to your enemy, you can also surrender yourself to a loved one due to the trust and love that you have for them. Of course, they do the same for you and therefore marriage is born,’ Bixlers says.
To take any of these theories further, tradition also dictates that it should be the left knee that’s on the ground.
Whichever theory it may be, if a “knight in shining armour” is dropping a knee in a sign of devotion, loyalty and obedience - it’s sure to be a big yes from me!