Events - at a glance and in detail

Our events in a calendar format for easy viewing is at top, and our traditional event view is at the bottom.

You may hover over the events on the calendar to see more details about the event.

If you are a member, do be sure you are logged in so all available events including those for members only are seen. 

You may attend any workshop you consider appropriate for your requirements, in the interests of connectivity and collaboration we do hope to see you at some of our in-person events.

Celebrants Aotearoa Upcoming Events

Event Wellington

Embracing Diversity

Begins: 23rd June 2024
ENLIVEN Central, 1 Prosser Street, Elsdon, Porirua, Wellington 5022, Wellington

Professional Development Day on Embracing Diversity and celebrating our differences - join either for the full day or half day, all tickets include a lunch. Marriage focused workshops in the morning, funeral focused work…