Beth Dunn

How long have you been a celebrant for?

Nine years

Why did you become a celebrant? 

I have always loved working with and empowering people, so this was a natural role following on from being a Justice of the Peace for 14 years.

What involvement do you have or had with CANZ at a branch or national level? 

I have been a member of CANZ since 2015, am a Validated Member and National Executive member.

What ceremonies do you perform?

Weddings, funerals, memorials, Internment of Ashes, baby namings.

What do you enjoy about being a celebrant?

I LOVE exciting couples and families to take ownership of their ceremonies and assisting them to create memorable life events.  I also love being a celebrant trainer for The Celebrant Training College.

What are some of the hardest parts of being a celebrant?

Working alone a lot of the time, and tragic circumstances around a death are sometimes challenging. We are exposed to people often at their most vulnerable.

What was the most memorable ceremony you have performed?

An elopement in a historic airliner – a D C 3 – overhead Auckland! The Invercargill couple were both lifelong fans of the D C 3, of which there are only three left flying in NZ, and as the operations manager of a D C 3 operation in Christchurch in a “previous life” I was their perfect fit! 

What would be your typical day as celebrant? 

Writing ceremonies, making edits to draft ceremonies, keeping couples and families on track with deadlines, sourcing and collecting ceremony resources, meetings with couples and families, designing social media posts and updating my website. Attending to CANZ National Executive matters, joining fellow local celebrants at social and professional development events, mentoring new celebrants and training new and experienced celebrants.

What advice do you have for someone new to the industry?

Make sure you join CANZ! Not only will you meet wonderful and skilled celebrants, but you can get to know them so that if you ever need someone to stand in for you with a ceremony, you have some contacts to do that for you. Also – there are sooooo many member resources available to support you in your professional role and development. And you can contribute at a level that suits you, be it local or national.

How do you like to relax?

I love hanging out with friends and family, good food and wine, travel, live theatre and am an avid “treasure hunter” at op shops!