By Brenda Chapman
Some people think that wedding ceremonies need to be solemn and serious – whereas other people want their ceremony to be light-hearted and fun.
However you want your ceremony to be, the choice of your celebrant is key to creating this magnificent milestone.
Weddings evoke many emotions. They can be expressed with smiles, laughter and sometimes tears.
What are the reasons for this? It’s a happy day – there is huge love between the bride and groom, and hopefully support and love from their family and friends.
There are different times during the ceremony that the couple or their guests might tear-up. It could be the processional when the wedding party arrives. It could be when the first look between the couple occurs in the aisle. It could be during the vow exchange, or it could even be if someone else is crying!
This year I officiated a ceremony where the groom was tearful for much of the ceremony. By the end of the ceremony, I was choked up too – having absorbed much of his emotion!
What helps to bring out the happy emotions? Great stories that the couple have shared with their celebrant will bring the room alight. Guests love to hear about their romance, the funny things that have happened, what they love about each other, and how they see their future.
Be sure to share your highlights and your tough times too with your celebrant. This way they can highlight how your love has grown and that you are more than ready for the ups and downs and this lifelong commitment.