Your beam of light has been nine months growing in mama’s belly – building a body to house an eternal spirit. Existing now with mind and body, baby is present on Earth and joins the energy of all living creation. Blessing your baby will bond them to that energy and create foundational ties to your family.
Beyond baby, a name and blessing ceremony is a time to celebrate your one year old, toddler, older child or perhaps an adopted child who is joining your family. Whatever the family dynamic, name and blessing ceremonies can develop bonds of love that connect to universal light. There are multiple reasons to organise this type of event for your child. Here are five:
1. What’s her name?
No doubt you’ve spent some contemplative energy choosing a name for your child. A name and blessing ceremony is a perfect time to formally introduce this name. Tell your story and why this name gives meaning and depth to the life journey for your child.
2. Officially welcome a supporting adult
Now is the opportunity to acknowledge the child’s supporting adults whether godparents, mentors, or guardians. Traditionally a godparent is an adult tasked with shepherding a child toward a life of faith. However, in modern times the position has transitioned into a secular role model who provides emotional, practical and in some cases, financial support.
3. Have a kai hākari
Hākari is more than just feasting on your favourite kai. It’s a time to experience joy, receive nourishment, celebrate, share, express love, communicate gratitude, and build relationships. This is a time to share the mana of your child and express hospitality in a meaningful way.
4. Building memories
After the guests leave, the food is cleaned up and the lights are dimmed, the memories will linger. Everyone will embrace their own memory according to personal experience. This is your chance to create lasting memories by honouring family, friends, children, and the supportive adults in an engaging way.
5. Tangata whenua
People of the land are those who have authority to take up space in that place. Through birth and ancestry we are present on this Earth and literally are the tangata whenua responsible for the land. A naming ceremony can be a deeply spiritual experience, a time to build confidence for the baby and those present to protect themselves and the space they take up in the world.
A name and blessing ceremony is a genuine opportunity to introduce and honour your child in a unique and loving way. Your beam of light is waiting to illuminate the space they take up in the universe. Let’s give them a glorious way to get started.
Written by Lani Puriri, Earthrest Celebrant Services. Offering focused contemplative blessings unique to your child. Learn more at www.earthrestcelebrantservices.com