CANZ Northland Te Tai Tokerau Professional Development and Networking Day
CANZ Northland celebrants are asked to save 29 September, 2024, for our next enlightening and entertaining professional development and networking day.
Theme: Telling Their Story in Ceremony – a day-long creative writing workshop led by writer, editor and celebrant, Sue Halliwell. This will be a chance to explore and develop your own story writing in ceremony and benefit from the tips and talents of others. The workshop will include a quiet writing session under Sue’s guidance, an opportunity to network and a chance to share resources and your thoughts and experiences around the use of artificial intelligence in ceremony writing.
Date and time: Sunday 29 September, 10am to 3pm
Venue: Sherwood Park Golf Club rooms, Millington Road, Maunu, Whangārei
Cost: $20 for CANZ members, $40 for non-CANZ
What to bring: Your fully charged laptop or ipad, if that’s how you write, and your own lunch. Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be supplied.
Registration: Click here to register now!